Home » CoDesigner » CoDesigner Customization » How can I design my shop page using the Shop Slider widget?

How can I design my shop page using the Shop Slider widget?

The “Shop Slider” widget of CoDesigner will allow you to create a dynamic, sliding carousel of products on your shop page. To design a shop page using this widget you have to follow the below steps:

1. First, install the CoDesigner plugin and activate it from the site dashboard >> Plugins >> Add New Plugin.

CoDesigner Install

2. Go to CoDesigner >> Widgets, turn on the Shop Slider widget, and then select Save Settings.

Shop Slider

3. Now, you have to make a Shop template. Navigate to Templates, select Add New. and choose CoDesigner Product Archive from the drop-down menu. Then give your template a name and click the Create Template button to finalize it.

Create template for shop

4. From the Elementor Editor search for the Shop Slider widget and drag it into your preferred section.

drag widget

5. Now customize your shop page according to your preferences.

customize shop page

6. Lastly, when you’re done with your customization, you have to assign the template to your Shop page. For that go to Woocommerce >> Settings >> Products section and set this shop page as the default.

set shop page in WooCommerce

If you encounter any issues while setting up your shop page, feel free to reach out to our support team.

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