To get a faster payment Square is a must. There are millions of sellers who are depending on the Square. If you have already purchased our add-on, then you have to go to the CoSchool dashboard. After that download and install it on your website.. , please follow the below procedure-
- Go to the CoSchool settings page from the site
- Click on the Payment tab
- You have to select your preferred currency for payment from the ‘Currency section’
- To add Square, select the handling method as “Native”
- Now choose the payment method from the dropdown as “Square”
- Now click on save settings
- On the payment page after saving Square as a payment method, you’ll find a tab that has the option to add details ( Application ID, Location ID, and Access Token ) of your Square account
You’ll find those keys(Application ID, Location ID, and Access Token) by pressing the ‘Click here’ button. Input those keys to validate the account
- Finally, Click on the ‘Save Settings’ button
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