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  5. How to configure SMTP settings?

How to configure SMTP settings?

WordPress uses PHP functions to send an email. There are several third-party mail services, you can use any third-party mail service for sending emails. SMTP is better to handle emails. If you want to use our SMTP service, then you have to download and install the SMTP from the Codexpert addons page. Please follow the instructions below to set up SMTP-

  • After installing the addons, go to CoSchool “settings” page

  • On the settings page, click on the “Email” tab

  • Go next to the “Assignment submission” section, there  you’ll discover the “SMTP” section

  • Now you have to enable the custom “SMTP” button

  • After enabling the button,  you will discover the SMTP empty fields. You’ll need to  input details into these fields

  • Finally, click on the “Save Settings” button