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How can I design my shop page using the Shop Curvy widget?

If you want to make your shop page stylish and functional, you can use the “Shop Curvy” widget of CoDesigner. At first, you have to install and activate CoDesigner  on your website. To design a shop page using this widget you have to follow the below steps:

Step 1: Next, go to CoDesigner’s Widgets section, turn on the Shop Curvy widget, and then select Save Settings.

Shop Curvy

Step 2: Now, you have to make a Shop template. Click Templates >> Add New, then from the drop-down menu, select CoDesigner Product Archive. Click the Create Template button after giving your template a name.

Create template for shop

Step 3: Search for the Shop Curvy widget from the Elementor Editor and drag it into the section of your choice.

drag the widget

Step 4: Customize your shop page to suit your preferences. For this, go to the style tab of the Elementor editor.

Step 5: The Shop Curvy widget provides several design options. You can customize the product card’s box height, choose a background type, adjust the border style, and control the spacing between rows and columns to make the layout and appearance.

Step 6:  You can customize the Divider by changing its space, width, height, and background color to match your design. It helps separate the header and description and give your product a more organized and professional appearance.

Step 7: For the Wishlist Button, you can customize it by adjusting the Icon Size, Area Size, Line Height, Border, and Background. Once you’re done with the changes, click the Publish or Update button to save them.


Note: In WooCommerce, make sure you go to the Settings >> Products section and set this shop page as the default.

set shop page in WooCommerce

Thats it! Your shop page is ready for use. If you encounter any issues while setting up your shop page, feel free to reach out to our support team.

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